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Friday, January 27, 2012

Make Your iPhone Faster

Well it is a fact that everyone wants their phone to be fast. And how awesome would it be if you too could make your iphone run faster than before without any difficult process.
In order to do this, you will need to have two Cydia tweaks:

SBSetting : 

This is a tweak that will make it really easy to kill all the unwanted background tasks, free up your device memory, and lots more. It is like iPhone task manager. It is really handy, you can toggle wifi on/off, airplane mode, everything in a very easy to use interface.


FakeClockUp, as the name is, it is a tweak that will fake up the loading time for an app to open. You will be able to increase the load time or decrease it depending on your preference. Goto settings and scroll down to fakeClockUp.

And now I will be showing you how to get those amazing tweaks and use them to the max.

First of all, you will need to have a jailbroken iPhone.
Goto Cydia.
Once in cydia, you need to click the Search button on the bottom.
Since SBSetting is already in the BigBoss repo, you wont need to add any repo.
On the search screen, type SBSetting.
Find the SBSettings app. (It will be a little bit down, you will see icon that seems like two faces and it will say from BigBoss)
Once you find it, go ahead and install it.
Well thats it for SBSetting.

In order to get fakeclockup you need to use Cydia.
Goto Cydia.
You will need to add a repo for fakeclockup.
Goto Manage-----Sources-----Edit-----Add
Type repo.insanelyi.com
Hit Done.
Now Goto the Insanelyi repo and find fakeclockup or you can search for the tweak.
After you install the FakeClockUp, goto Settings (of your iPhone) and click FakeClockUp.
Select how fast or slow you want the phone to act.

These two tweaks should make your iPhone faster than it used to be. I personally have tried this one and yes it works fantastic. Not only making the iPhone faster, SBSettings also gives you a really easy operation of your iPhone.

Questions answered on the comments section.
Thank you.

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